I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Help I'm an Instagramaholic

I have my friend Natalie to blame. She introduced me a few days ago to Instagram and I can't seem to stop. It is everything I love about

blogging. A lot of picture and little talk. Nobody really knows how much a picture can say better than me. And this is just my kind of mojo. As if wasn't a mamarazi already, this has taken me over the edge. I think my photo addiction comes from the fact that there are only two pictures of me as a baby in my photo album. One is of me at birth approximately 40 feet away from the camera in my father's arms, with my sister Lourdes sitting on the edge of the chair and the second picture is of me, approximately 5 years old, standing in front of Cinderella's Castle. I feel compelled to take pictures of my children in every bit of their everyday activity no matter how boring and trivial it may seem. So go ahead and Instagram me. I'll Instagram you back. I think that's the lingo for these kids these days. I'm also learning what a hashtag is. And I'm going to hashtag the heck out of everything those kids do. So Natalie I love you thank you for this lesson as well as for teaching me how to blog. You were always the cooler one. #natleilani

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