I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Monday, June 6, 2011

Last Michigan Visitors.Last Michigan Memories

My friend Berta and her family came to visit the triplets a few weeks ago. I have known my friend since ninth grade. For those who don't know me, that has been a very long time now. Bert, for lack of a better cliche, is home to me; so much so, that I really didn't feel like I gave birth to my babies until Berta held them in her arms. It is a true gift to have a person like that in your life; someone who knows who you were and who you have become and hides all YOUR skeletons in HER closet. That being said, it was her last visit to Michigan to visit my family in our home. Now I know for sure that we are ready to move on to the next leg of our adventure.

Now I have looked at our life as a series of lasts. Eva had her last  ballet recital this month. She did a ballet number and a hip hop number. Props to her Cuban side, the girl can shake it when she needs to. It amazed me to see that this year with her makeup in place for the show, I could begin to see the woman that she will become and prayed that it would not come too soon because she is just a yummie baby to me.

Eva was given a peacmaker award at the last day of school. I was so proud of her but my son Golden stole the show when I saw him in the corner of my eye getting all upset when she retrieved it. When I talked to him afterwards he said, " The principal said the award was for people who showed they were sweet and helped others and never wanted attention...well that is me!" Sweet competative Golden (who got first place in the space derby. Lucky for all of us.)

My little bambinos photo shoot.

It's been a month and my bambinos couldn't get cuter. I am typing now with Gisele cooing in her crib as she looks around curiously, Beau is in my arms, nestled in close to me sleeping soundly, and Carlos is asleep making all sorts of manly noises that only babies can get away with in public. Big sister Eva is staring over the crib at her brother and sisters, hoping to snatch one up the second they stir. And brother Golden is nearby serving as the man of the house this morning while daddy is at work. Could this be a perfect moment to remember.....of course.