I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

As For Me and Eva….We Believe: Secrets From Santa

     Yesterday Eva and I watched a very well done mocumentary (at least I thought it was fake at first) about a women who is documenting the mysterious man from her past known as Lucas N Cast who seems to pop up wherever there is a Christmas miracle and who seems to be ageless by the pictures that have been documented of him. We were riveted as the final scene shows the film maker receiving a letter that has been in a safety box at the police station addressed with her name on it. The letter had been there for a year before she appeared. To her surprise it was her letter to Santa when she was a little girl asking to meet him and bring her parents back. She also found a letter from Santa along with a picture she took with her parents shortly before they died with Santa Claus who happened to be Lucas N Cast (scramble these words and you get Santa Claus)So her wish had come true after all. 

     Eva quickly began to write her letter to Santa and asked about 100 questions. This is the letter she received from him the following day. 

Dear Eva,

     I loved your letter. It reminds me of how witty and funny you can be all the time. So many questions from someone so young can only mean you are destined for a life full of adventure and greatness. I will do my best to answer the ones I can.     
First, I have on average 1 million elves here in the North Pole. This number changes daily depending on how many elves are out on special assignment (such as Dew Drop and Christopher) They speak a little higher than most humans would speak but to them they sound just like you and I sound to each other. Different voices, different bodies, different sizes. They can sing in an octave that makes dogs bark so we banned them from singing when delivering presents so as not to disturb everyone.
Second, I have always been Santa Claus as long as I have been Santa Claus. Who I was before is a secret I can never speak of.
Third, I shave every day but the beard grows back. The movies got that one right.
Fourth, How I met Mrs. Claus was at a Christmas party in her home town. She was and will always be my favorite cookie.
 As for the question you didn’t ask that Christopher informed me of…well lets just say that I know families can be together forever.

    Stay wonderful,

Santa Claus

      I get a bit tired of the non believers trying to rain on our parade. They say things like, "How do you expect one man to do all that in one night." or " Some people miss the whole reason for the season." Well to these folks I say bah humbug. Do you say that a movie is spoiled by the pop corn or that dessert takes away the satisfaction of a good meal? ( If you answered yes to these questions just stop reading and go staple antlers to your dog because you have a city worth of presents to steal in a few days.) 

    I was a non believer for a while as a young adult and it was a very dark and sad time for me. Thankfully, Santa gave me a second chance when I had kids and even though my window had closed, their's were wide open to receive all the magic and wonder that comes with believing in the magic of the season. 

     In our home we celebrate the birth of our Savior. We read the scriptures and count our blessings for this, the most sacred and wonderful miracle that has ever occurred in this world. We don't just do this in December but throughout the entire year. We never forget about the Savior and my family feels blessed for it. But I must say that when watching the news every day it is hard to see the good in the world. There are atrocities that make me wonder if this is the end. Luckily, with the help of the Christmas spirit we are all able to see that all is not lost. There is always stories of good tidings during the holidays and it reinforces the fact that good still conquers evil, that the majority of humanity wants to bring about good. And for my children, it is a time of innocence. When there are still elves working frantically, reindeer flying rapidly around, and Santa still keeping an eye on them. Unicorns and all other wonders still dancing in their heads along with every other possible dream they can imagine can come true at any moment. There is plenty of time to be an adult, there will be endless chances to hear bad news, be disappointed, have real fears over their safety. But today, we choose to believe and I thank Mr. Claus and his entourage for all their help and generosity towards this world. 

     Just to solidify this thought, Santa visited me today. Not personally but here is what happened. I thought I would be a secret Santa to the car behind me in the drive through. I paid for their meal. THe next day, I went to the grocery store with my little ones and when I went to check out a woman from the bakery who I greet regularly came over and handed me a gift card that said #sprinklejoy on it and said, "You know, we have these cards to hand out to folks who we think deserve a little help and you are always so kind and your children are always so happy and well behaved that we couldn't think of who better to give this to." I almost cried. It was just so nice. I only hoped that the person behind me in line felt this warm and fuzzy inside and paid it forward. Here was another example of small yet meaningful Christmas kindness at work. 

     This week we have the grandparents coming into town, the Nutcracker performance to attend, cookies to bake, presents to wrap and elves to clean up after. At least twice a day I will thank my Heavenly Father for this time to spend with my family making cherished memories and we will continue to help Santa in passing out the joy. I hope that I can believe for years to come and that the spirit of Christmas is always alive and well in this home.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thankful for Thanksgiving with the Family

     Thanksgiving was destined to be fun with an early morning family run in Pensacola Beach. Golden and Eva are natural athletes like their father. The triplets were also great, especially Gigi who kept yelling "Run, run faster, faster." No need to say how popular a triplet stroller is among the runners..NOT. But the triplets still hold that mystique to most people who were asking us about them throughout the run. I don't know what life will be like when I'm not "The triplet mom" anymore. When they are old enough to be separated from me and form their own identity. It amazes me that people I see regularly will look at me blankly when I am without the triplets as if we have never met before. Don't confuse my amazement with complaining. I couldn't be prouder of all of my children but I was just so many other things before they showed up in this world that it is simply funny sometimes to be known for nothing else. But being a time to be thankful let this be known. If I am grateful for nothing else in this life, I am and will always be humbled that I got to be the mother of seven of the greatest children in this world and would be honored if at the end of it all that is all people will remember about me. 

First pedicure for the girls

     We later had a quiet Thanksgiving meal together at home with fresh bread, Turducken, creamed corn and creamed spinach, sweet potato casserole and mashed potatoes (yes, that is double starches and double cream) 

     Early the next morning we were blessed with a surprise visit from my brother Henry and his wife Ivis. They were cruising around the country with the top down and we couldn't have been happier to see them in our neck of the woods. 

Carlos with the ladies? How odd? NOT!

I think the kids took kindly to their Tio and Tia. I think that Nico had a new found bromance with Henry only to be beaten by Beau's infatuation with Henry's face. There was a lot of squeezing, hugging and kissing mixed in with her cracking up. It was precious.

I like how Beau needed to be held back by her Tio

In short, I was very thankful for a Thanksgiving filled with clear skies, good food, great company and lots and lots of love. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Nico

     Well, It started clean enough. Celebrating my last baby's 1st birthday. Yes, those are marshmallows with pictures of Nico on them. If you're interested they are from boomf.  I just love this kid and am a bit sad that I have had to celebrate his first year already. I so enjoy my baby. He will always be my baby boy I suppose. 

     Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream was the choice for the day. All of my other children would touch their smash cake with reservation. Not Nico. He dove into that sucker and began to rub it all over his body like a spa treatment. He even rolled the cake up a few times. Gigi, my clean freak, was a bit upset that I wouldn't let her wipe him down with the towel she brought over after she saw this spectacle. 

We couldn't be prouder of his cake smashing skills.
     I couldn't believe that just 365 days ago this guy came into the world as one of our very last great surprises. We waited to hear the sex of the baby until delivery. When they said, "It's a boy!" I cried with tears of joy. 

     Nico has been called several things by this family; Fatty cakes, Nico Rico, Baby, Son, Fattykins, Butterball, Sweetpea, Papito. But whatever we call him it is usually said with a smile on our faces because he is such a good natured baby. I tell everyone who will listen how he has been our easiest child. Whether that is because he is truly the best or because the others are so loud it drowns out any of his complaints, I am not sure but this boy can usually be found smiling, observing the world around him. 

      The soft spot he has created in all of us is obvious but seen most in my oldest son, Golden who can be found holding him and showing him those things big brothers need to introduce him to: video games, cartoons, and animals. He will rub his head when no one is looking or walk him around the house for a good hour. It really is heart warming to see. Nico has formed a very special bond with his big brother that I hope lasts a lifetime. 

 He doesn't just have Golden under his spell but everyone he comes in contact with including Grandpa.

First Halloween costume

For his first birthday we have the customary fat roll pictures. I will miss these the most once my last baby grows up. 

I'm not the only lover of rolls in the house

      I opened a box of Golden's clothes this week and found this treasure. Golden's Halloween costume. Nico seemed to enjoy being a gorilla for playtime.

Still Nico

Nico the gorilla
 I decided to compare shots of Golden with Nico in the same outfit.



Can you guess which baby this is?

Nico sported his outfit all day with pride.

      At a year old, Nico is walking like a drunk man but getting better by the hour. He just decided on his birthday that he wasn't going to hold onto the furniture and took off like a bullet. Way to go Nico! He likes to say words like " mama", "dada", and "pickapickapicka" He doesn't seem to use them correctly but we notice his says "pickapicka" when he is concentrating, like a chant. It's adorable. He blows raspberries and can have an Olympic competition with his brother Carlos during long car rides. You can hear them cracking each other up. He has six teeth and uses them well. 

Never enough naked bumm shots

Rolls McGee
 Loves in his life are:
Toy cars
His mom and dad
Mickey Mouse Club
The ABC song (In Spanish)

Love of my life (One of them at least)

He still doesn't' sleep through the night but it might be a combination of the fact he sleeps in our room, in our bed, and I nurse him whenever he wants. Mike and I wake up assured that we will let him cry it out at night but once the sun sets Mike will look at me as Nico cries and says, " He's our last one, Mommmy. Let's not rush these moments." How could I resist that face. 
The beginning of a tight friendship

     I can't wait to see what this kid has in store for us this year. Whatever it is, I am fascinated by it. Nothing he does is too insignificant. My birthday wish for him is that he always knows how much he is loved. How lucky this family is to have him and how he has completed us like no one else could. I can feel my heart grow with love every time I look at him or utter his name. My sweet, yummy baby boy thank you for being a present I get to enjoy daily. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy 13th Birthday Golden

     It's official. We have a teenager in the house. You can tell because he dressed himself for his birthday picture and I had no control over it. Other signs of this are an irritating mustache that keeps appearing on his upper lip no matter how many times I shave it off and a distinct teenage boy smell you can find every day after school. He is now taller than me and in his father's shoes-literally. I am getting the hand me downs from when his feet were smaller. 

     Despite all I just said, Golden is a pleasure to raise. He does his chores without complaints unless you ask him directly if he likes them. He is funny and has a laugh that will double you over laughing yourself because it is from the such a genuinely childlike place of wonderment. It's like watching fireworks for the first time every time. His teachers and friends love him and he is popular amongst his peers. We just love our Golden boy and I was particularly excited to ask him all of my questions.


How does it feel to be a teenager? Okay. 
Do you feel any different? Yes,I feel older.
What advice would you give your brothers and sisters about growing up? There will be a lot of rules.Rules that you really, really hate.Wait are you copying everything I'm saying?
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite tv show? Sponge Bob Square Pants
What is your favorite food?Pizza
What is your favorite memory so far? The day I turned thirteen.
Why? Because I'm a teenager now. The only one in the family.
Are you glad that you are tall? yes
What do you want to be when you grow up? A video game programmer.
What's your favorite vacation? Hawaii
Do we (your parents)embarrass you? Yes. 
When? Every time you talk about me. 
Do you mind being seen in public with us? Ummm. A little bit.
What about us embarrasses you? Whenever you talk about me to my friends. You always talk about embarrassing stuff about me in the past that was embarrassing. Or like when you dance. That really embarrasses me.
Who's your favorite sibling? I won't tell? Nico (unless he ends up like the triplets) I can't believe your writing everything down I'm saying
Why is he your favorite? He's a little quiet, and doesn't throw things and he doesn't scream so loud he makes your ears pop.
It seems like your talking about experiences. Who does all that? The triplets. Have you heard them.
But when you think we aren't looking, I see you cuddling them. Do you cuddle them? Don't write that.Erase it. 
Does it embarrass you that I know you love them? Yes. 
What do you want to tell an older you, like a married you? Live in a nice mansion with a flat screen tv and a butler. How do you get rich anyway? 
Kid, I'm still trying to figure that out.
What's your favorite holiday? Christmas
What's your favorite part of Christmas? The presents (then he stops and chuckles and pats my back) and of course spending time with the family. 
What do you think about being a Deacon? It's nice. I like passing the Sacrement, for instance. 
What do you think Heavenly Father thinks about you? That I'm awesome. Are you still writing everything I'm saying (big sigh)?
Being that you are 13, tell me 13 things about yourself?
1 I like video games especially skylanders
2. I have a lot of rules 
3. I look forward to being in high school
4. Sometimes I'm kind of annoyed with everything
5. I'm handsome
6. I'm going through puberty now…yeah just write that down for a bunch of kids to know that in the future. 
7. I'm tall
8. I'm funny
9. I'm mature
10. I have my own iPad but not a phone (he says this with anger toward me)
11. I take out the trash and that annoys me
12. I spend time on the computer watching Skylander videos
13. I have to watch my brothers and sisters all the time (This is an exaggeration of extreme proportions, I must add as his mother)

Do you have any thoughts about our government? No not really
Are you at least proud to be American? yes
How about being proud of your Cuban heritage? It's good.
What about it is good? Well the food for instance, yours is really good.

Eva just walks into the room and tells him that they have rented a movie he likes. He gets up from our interview like his butt is on fire and says OK, I got to go. ( He is making pop corn in less than a second after his departure)

Refusing to let the interview end I scream out "Do you know I love you? (Without a pause) Of course.

Well, just in case you ever wonder, I love you like my life depended on it. And most days it does. 

Happy Birthday Gogo Bear!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

     It seems that this Halloween lasted a bit longer than just one day in the Harris home. The grands brought the triplets about seven costumes they found at a garage sale and honestly we have been in disguise for the better part of three weeks. As was to be expected, Beau gravitated to the bizarre and scary, Carlos to anything super and Gigi was the princess of whatever she wore. I let them go to the gym, grocery store, dentist and just about anywhere in their costumes because I have learned to pick my battles and realize that dirty stares from strangers in November is a lot quieter and fleeting than three screaming and snot filled triplets for days after Halloween. Let the holiday continue. 

"Look mom. I'm the Cookie Monster"

Spider, Super, Strong Man

The Princess Witch

No costume just the usual ham.

Darth Cutiekins

     While in New Orleans we made it out to the Ghosts in the Oaks at City Park. We took our costumes but left them in the house and had to buy three new ones for the occasion. The kids didn't seem to mind. What I loved was seeing my younger children ride the carousel that their older siblings used to ride at this age. Eva, who was no more than two at the time we left New Orleans, remembered Storyville and could tell me what was there to find. Carlos was Captain America, Beau was Doc McStuffins, and Gigi was Cinderella. The night was magical with amusement rides followed by trick or treating through the oaks.

Jerry made it out with us. It was perfect 

     Finally on Halloween night, my family gave me the greatest gift by allowing us to dress in a theme together. We were the Wizard of Oz gang including the flying monkeys. It was bittersweet because I felt this might be the last year we will do this because I now have a teenager and he may be too old for this kind of stuff. I love him so for not arguing with me when I asked to do this. If I don't tell him enough here it goes: I love you Golden.

There was never a question that Beau would be the scary witch since she likes to be so scary (imagine her wiggling her fingers at you saying this in a high ghostly voice)

"Now it's my turn to be up."
     As much as Eva didn't want to be Dorathy, she will thank me years from now when she sees these pictures and sees how stunning she looked. There were moments when she would turn and look at me like in this shot and I could see the woman she is turning into staring back at me. It would give me tingles I had to shake off of my monkey wings.

"This is so amazing, mommy."

     Let's not forget this was Nico's first Halloween and he was a trooper being that he had a fever. Note: This is not our first kid so we never even thought of staying home with him and not trick or treating and for the record he seemed to enjoy it all the same.

As close to everyone sitting still as we were going to get.

I love that Mike still lets me dress him up. I suppose this is the "worse" of "for better or worse" I hear in those wedding vows.  

He's just so fluffy!

Here is a shot of my two youngest girls getting along. I always feel the need to document these moments. 

     And did I mention how Eva wore my genie outfit from when I was a teenager to a Halloween party? I am still floored over this one. Why does she insist on growing up? I miss my baby..and my costume. I should mention the costume was made for me for a ballet performance and my maiden name is sewn in the lining. I guess it is now a vintage costume that has stood the test of time. 

The grands also brought Halloween pjs which will also be around for longer than Halloween. I suppose so will the memories.