I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving at Hogwarts

With the triplets almost 61/2 months old, we felt it was time to subject ourselves to a long road trip to Orlando to tough out the crowds at the amusement parks and possibly lose our minds in the process. I am happy to report that things went much smoother than we had planned. In fact, the trip was a great success. The children ( and I am talking about Mike, our friend Vanessa and I) really wanted to go see Hogwarts at Universal. We were one of the first to arrive that morning and got into Ollivander's shop and had the other kid's (Golden and Eva) wands picked out for them. I tried Butterbeer. Suh-uh-weet! It is about a pound of sugar in a frosty. Don't think I will be having it again. We also got to visit The Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Disney Hollywood Studios.Many visitors confused the triplets for a Disney attraction. For example, on countless occasions I would be sitting on a bench, waiting for the family to finish a ride. I would have one baby in my arms feeding and two in the stroller. Baby A would start to whimper a bit and  Baby B would fuss. Then a crowd would gather around and I would hear, "Look, the second one is waking up. What will she do now." An equally curious person would answer, " It looks like she might need to put one down on the floor. Will she put it down?" I just looked over at countless crowds of spectators and wanted to tell them, "You know I can hear you?" None the less, it all worked out in the end and all the babies were taken care of. ( Without being put down on the dirty floor.) And here is just the usual responses to the usual questions asked everywhere we go:
"Yes, they were all born on the same day."
"Yes, we have our hands full, and our feet too."
"Thank you, God has definitely blessed us, three times more than we deserve."
"No we did not do in vitro."
"Yes, you probably couldn't do this. That is why Heavenly Father didn't bless you with triplets."( I just think this in my head when idiots say, "Glad that isn't me.")
"Yes, we think they are adorable too but we are truly biased."
"I think better men than us deserve a Purple heart."
"Yes, we are Mormon."
"Yes, they are all mine."
"You go right ahead and think that having them one at a time was the hard way."
"No I did not have bed rest. I worked until 10days before I delivered. And bed rest would not be funner."
"No, we are not crazy.....yet."

Even though I was left with the desire to pull down my pants and tell folks exactly where they could collect a fast pass for my ride, I managed to have a good time anyway. I realize that being a triplet parent will always be a bit interesting to others and must cut folks some slack. Besides, I think of the alternative...not having had my three newbies to add to my already perfect kiddos, and I just cringe.
     I loved taking my youngest to Orlando and continuing the Villate tradition of having fun in the park until your exhausted and than no one is having fun but we keep going because there is more to see and you just better shut up and get on the ride......But I changed it up a bit and now we just have fun and go home. I like my version a bit better but it doesn't make for a fun story. What I really loved was the Thanksgiving meal at Emeril's restaurant. No mess, No fuss!!! And some banana cream pie to finish it off. (Can you hear the angels....Aahhhhh!)

The car ride to Orlando was fun too. We rented a 15 passenger van and drove down. I must admit. I like the feel of the van. I am able to walk down the aisle, taking drink and food orders and everyone had plenty of leg room. It is better than any airline around but Mike insisted on charging everyone $15 dollars a bag and getting everywhere late to give us the true airline experience. 

Things my kids say:
Entering a hotel room at Lowes Universal we would be using for a day. With two beds, marble bathrooms and a balcony overlooking a beautiful harbor that looked like Portofino,Italy, Eva looked around discouraged. "Is this it?"
On the drive, Mike asked Golden,"How can I be awesome like you, Golden?" Golden thought about this for awhile and said," First, you got to be good looking like me. Then you have to eat- a lot. And then you have to do my homework for me because I hate doing homework with mom." 
That's the thanks I get for my kid getting A/B Honor roll. Your welcome. 
Eva to Mike when he was hooking up her cable in her room. "Oh dad, your just like the ATT guy." Then Mike asked her, "I wonder what this cable goes to." And without skipping a beat, she responds, "And now it's gone."

Kid's Question and Answer Session

My nephew Tony asked his son the following questions. I thought it would be a good thing to ask my children the same questions and document their answers. By the way, my nephews son wants to grow up and be a hydrologist (someone who studies water) What a little genius.


The yummiest food to eat: tomatoes and cheese with vinegar
My favorite show or movie: Splash
My favorite thing to read: Sister Magic
The best thing about school is: Recess
The worst thing about school is: Math class
The coolest person on earth is: Mom or dad
I'm really good at: Gymnastics and Cheerleading
My favorite color is: Lime green
The best place in the world to be is: The Funplex
If I could do one thing all day long, it would be: gymnastics
When I grow up I want to be: A professional dancer
I really, really do not like to eat: Spinach
My best friend is/are: Meghan and Johanna

Jesus is: Mary's son
When I was little I used to: have a teddy bear and took it everywhere.

The yummiest food to eat: strawberries
My favorite show/movie: Transformers
My favorite thing to read: Any book about soldiers
The best thing about school is: Math
The worst thing about school is : getting in trouble
The coolest person on earth is: Jesus 
I'm really good at: Math
My favorite color is: blue
The best place in the world to be is: Florida
If I could do something all day long: playing games
When I grow up I want to be: a soldier
I really, really do not like to eat: beans
My best friend is: Kate
Jesus is: God
When I was little I used to: not be lazy.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vampire Love Wishes.....

With the upcoming Twilight flick coming out, I thought I would write down a few of my thoughts since this series came into my life. Firstly, I love the books. What first attracted them to me was the simple story of true love wrapped into a different package. While reading it I can reminisce  on my own true love and how certain emotions are universal. But I must say that it rattles me a bit when I see people I know just go ape balls over the movie series (You know who you are. Don't try and deny you are ape balls to me when you can leave your family for days to drink bloody marys and kiss posters of Rob Pats in a strangers basement.) "I'm team Edward." "I'm team Jacob." You are the ones who have seen the movie 31 times because you just can't get enough of those perfect Cullens. 
     Well, let me tell you just how lucky I am and how much vampire love sucks compared to real love. I have been the lucky enough to marry my best friend going on twelve years. Just because I stalked him doesn't mean it was wrong if I ended up marrying him, right? Well that is here nor there. What matters is just like Bella Swan was enchanted the first time Edward came into that cafeteria, I was struck dumb when I truly stopped and took notice of one, Michael Harris. He is dreamy. And not just in my eyes like some people I know (you also know who you are and no, I don't see how he is cute) He is good looking in any culture, race, climate and era. What gets me most about him is, like Edward Cullen, he has caramel pool colored eyes. But when I'm mad at him he says that I have called them two turds floating in a pool of milk. Whatever the case, like Edward and Jacob, my man is hot. The good news is just like Goldie Locks said, "That one is too cold, that one is too hot. But this one is just right." Mike, unlike the cold one is great to cuddle with and unlike the wolf, has never lost his temper with me. On looks alone, Mike wins. 
     Now,as far as first kisses go. Edward used a shimmery trick Vampires use to catch prey in order to kiss  Bella. In a meadow all shiny like a lure she fell for his shtick. As far as Jacob, well he had to force himself on her the first time and then he played a psychological torture trick on her to force her to ask him for a kiss. Mike again wins here. I will spare you all the mushy gushy but it took all my restraint not to kiss him from the second he picked me up for our first date. It has been that way ever since. I wait at home for him to arrive and the unsettling thoughts, the unfinished housework, the bank account statement or any other unanswered question in my life seems to disappear for at least the brief moment he puts his lips on mine. He still makes me weak in the knees. (Mont Blanc Mike. Mont Blanc. Inside joke, sorry) 
     Now, I know what's coming next in the movie series and the wedding scene has got everyone in a tizzy. But I don't even need to see it to know that my wedding was better. I sat across from my very hot husband, now wearing a tux, in a room that let us look out into infinite copies of ourselves. It represented the infinite union we were about to commit to. And without hesitation, my husband agreed to take me for all time and eternity as his wife. He did this knowing that not just I, but both of us were fragile humans, able to die the very second we said our vows. He didn't vacillate on what his life would be like if I died and left him alone. He was willing to take me and face the cold and dreary world together. And I thank him for it. I also thank him for telling me often how if that would ever happen, he would be unconsolable and probably go join some foreign malitia. It's nice to know he has a plan. 
    Life after the honeymoon for the Cullens was a little touch and go with all the vampire baby and war and all. And you might think I would give the win to them but again, no. Life with Mike these past twelve years has not been without our own twists and turns and we have managed to not only overcome them but we did it without being impermeable to death and did most of it sleep deprived. Something Vampires know nothing about. First of all, I wish I had a vampire baby. Lets face it, if my kid grew to a mature adult in a week and had a built in wolf babysitter 24/7 I would have been on easy street. But life is not so awesome.Edward would have lost his cool and killed people if he needed to sleep and an adorable yet unbelievably loud half-breed baby demanded his attention every three hours to feed and every hour to play for six months straight. I doubt Edward would be as great as Mike has been with the six children we have had keeping him up at night for months on end. Three of them at one time. And how would he have loved Bella when her six pack turned into a juice box for longer than a few days. Trust me girl, it takes more than a simple vampire bite to get my shape back and Mike was a patient man for it all, especially after the triplets. I don't have anything in the book that represents the love Mike has shown me when I think back on how he loved me and supported me when we experienced unspeakable losses in our life. Immortal vampires know nothing of that. 

     Lastly, vampire love is not blind. Think about it. Whenever Bella was sick or whenever she was cold and shaky in that tent. Edward would be all emotional and distraught. He found her appearance unsettling. Not Mike. I sometimes think he is not only blind, but possibly incapable of smell. He can come home from work to find me unbathed, sitting in my pajamas that are covered in three babies vomit (and quite possibly feces) with rat matted hair and splotchy skin, and gives me that look that says, "Hey good looking. How about it." I roll my eyes at him but inside I mark down just how much I love that man who can see past all the mess that is me and still see the girl he fell in love with. "The Miami Sylvia," he calls me when I'm put together and ready for a night out. 
     So, in conclusion, I love to read the Twilight series because it is the latest piece of fiction that has come close to describing the love that, in reality, I have for my husband. I don't need it to escape my life. I love my life and would trade a million years as a vampire with Edward for a single minute as a wife to Mike. Every emotion I ever had while reading the series was just a flicker of the feelings I have had while walking this life with him. I see him in the eyes of all of our children and couldn't love him more than when I see him being the father and husband I always knew he would be since he leaned down and kissed me against the Arizona backdrop. He lived up to his hype and I am forever grateful.( Even when I am too tired to turn around and hold your hand in bed.) And best of all, just like those vampires, Mike and I will be together forever. 
     "What do two kids in love do for fun?" you ask. We will be at the Breaking Dawn movie. And my guy will be holding my hand and sharing my popcorn. He looks as good looking today as he did the day I married him but a tad wittier and funnier if that is possible. And if I'm lucky, really lucky, I may get a kiss after our date. Not too cold and not too hot.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Photos

We made it out to a pumpkin patch in Alabama thanks to the coordination of the great women of our ward. I am reminded of my old New Orleans ward with these girls except now I'm the old lady of the group. They are very fun. So the difference between Michigan patches and Alabama patches are simple.
Cotten not Corn fields
A Peanut farm not an apple orchard.
Boiled peanuts for sale instead of Apple Cider, apple donuts, apple pie, warm bread.
Besides that, no difference. The kids had a blast on the hay ride, petting zoo, bouncy and there was a huge slide built in the middle of the field. I think the owners had never seen more mom's nursing babies.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

May the Gulf Breeze Force be with Us

I never joined a sorority when I was in college. I stuck to the wisdom of Dillinger when asked about robbing banks. "That's where the money is." I didn't see the purpose of joining of social club without my favorite part of being social. Anyhow, at Tulane the Greek system left something to be desired. But I did my homework and managed to party from Gator Growl in Gainsville to Homecoming in Baton Rouge. But my favorite experiences were always in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Roll Tide! There was a certain mystery and wonder to the greeks there. Their homes were large brick mansions full of history and the people were sweet and oh so cute.The girls had perfectly manicured nails and hair. Tradition ruled-Dresses and suits for a football game. Whether they were sincere in their love for one another I would never know but I couldn't help but feel like I was never going to fit in their perfect little world. They were too sweet, too perfect, too....Southern. But, oh, could they party. Just think of the stuff of legends....and add a notch.
    I was reminded of my college days this Halloween in Gulf Breeze. As we had been warned- it is a big deal here. And they were right. At five, the streets were closed to traffic and hundreds of kids came out in costumes. We were ready with our 850 pieces of candy and Star Wars themed costumes. We toured our neighborhood which included several haunted houses and several open houses. It would seem, while the kids of the neighborhood ran around, their parents just opened their doors (and their liquor cabinets) and had a good, old fashioned rage. People we never met invited us into their homes for chili and cocktails. They were all so....nice and welcoming...and trusting. At one point a girl told her mom(who we never met) "I'm going trick or treating with Eva." to which her mom said, "Okay."
We were gone for an hour with this girl and Mike went back to this home(which wasn't the girl's house) to return her. At that point, a very inebriated mother took Mike and Eva back home in her golf cart-hitting a few kids and dogs on her way. I was reminded of good old Alabama and it's perfect Southern greeks, realizing that they had married one another and moved here. Everyone living in little mansions, perfectly pretty, perfectly sweet and perfectly Southern. And they couldn't be more genuine in their acceptance of us. So despite the fact that I have grown out of the party scene and consider a good time a G Rated movie matinee WITHOUT the kids, I will dress up my kids and have the candy stocked each Halloween here. Roll Tide! Geax Tigers! Go Gators and Seminoles alike. The Harris' have on their pledge pins.


Beau-bacca and Coda

Princess Gi-Leah, Beau bacca and Coda

The gang is all here

Princess G-Leah

Gluke and Evame were in on the fun too. 

We got Vanessa in on the fun

And Mike and I finished off the cast of characters

By the way, the babies are now 6 months old and here are the stats:
Beau 15 lb 25 oz  Height 25.5 inches She flips over on her own.
Gisele 15lb 13 oz Height 26.5 inches Does "El Pollito" with her hands. 
Carlos 16lb 13 oz Height 26 inches Holds up his arms to be held.

Golden playing Captain America and talking to himself. "It's been seventy years. Not school years. Real years. Three hundred and sixty five day years."

Eva talking to her friend Vanessa. "In December I get baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. That means when we are playing and I want to kill you a little voice tells me not to."

Eva comes home from school. "Mom, I need to write the names of the soldiers in our family on these stars and hand them into school. They are for Veterinary Day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Observations about my Children

LtoR: Beau, Eva, Carlos, Gisele, Golden

I am in awe over my children. They are all growing up so quickly and they simply do too many notable things for me to be able to keep up with on these pages. So I will give just a few quick thoughts about each of them.


Eva is well on her way to ruling the world. She has established herself in Gulf Breeze Elementary as a terrific kid. Really! They actually had a pep rally and gave her an award for being a terrific kid. I have a bumper sticker and certificate to prove it. We sometimes take her awesomeness for granted around this house because it is a daily occurrence. She has many sides to her character; she is nurturing  to all around her, she is funny, and smart and beautiful. She practically raises herself.
Funny Eva-isms:

"Mom, do you want me to take a picture with my mind so you don't forget this?"

Referring to the American Revolution. "Mom, if we won the war against the British why don't they speak American instead of British?"

"I got my eye on you!"


G man is growing into quite a talented and funny guy. He is also trying to pull one over on his dear old mom every once in a while. He loves school but would rather be home lounging as proved by our dinner conversation last night. 

Mom: So, how was running club kids.
Golden: It was good  but I would like to join a fight club or maybe a "Stay home from school and watch TV club."

He has renamed us all with our Hebrew names. I am mama-stein (STEEN), dada-stein, Eva-stein, etc. He also calls Eva Ay-vee, or A for short. He has also made up songs for the babies like the one I happened to overhear him singing last night to Gisele. 

Gigi-stein, Gigi-stein
Shaking her buns, shaking her buns
Looking so cute
And than came an evil witch 
Gonna find the witch
Punch her in the face, punch her in the face, punch her in the face
Just for fun.

He is not a fan of homework and has tried, unsuccessfully to hide it from me. Heavenly Father is definitely on my side on this one because when Golden "misplaced" a homework assignment it actually flew over the parking lot after school into the street and smacked into a neighbors windshield who recognized Golden's name. You should have seen his face when she dropped off the paper at our house. Classic. 
Lastly,  Golden is turning into quite the ladies man. "Lance Romance" is what his teacher calls him. 

Golden: "Mom. When can I date Olivia?"
Mom: "I told you Golden. When you are sixteen. 
Golden (looking distraught and talking under his breath): I don't want to date her. I  just want to smooch on her.



The oldest of my trio, is the physically tiniest. I call her my Sweet Petite. If I had three of Gigi, I could raise three more babies. She is easy with a smile, barely cries and if she does she is easily consoled. She cuddles and sings. And was the first to belly laugh. She has a thing for her daddy's hair. It drives her wild. I just can't get enough of my sweet girl. Her dexterity is pretty darn good and is the only one of the kids who can keep and grasp her toys....and siblings regularly.

Beau is the best sleeper. She is a godsend in the evening hours. As for the day, she would be a splendid only child. Her problem is she does not like to share with her siblings. She will stare at them with the look we call "the cold dead eyes of a shark" look. I'm a bit intimidated by it. She is our super triplet in that she is the best eater of solid foods, the first to roll over, the first to sleep more than six hours at night. We are so very proud of our girl and would gladly hold her all day and night if the others would allow. Just look at those long eyelashes. Could you put her down?


My baby! He is truly a ladies man and a sweet yummy guy....except at night where he still loves to nurse every two and a half hours. In between his feeds he gets terrible gas and so we are awake with him about every hour and a half feeding or rocking our precious bundle. Thus the picture with the milk face. It is his thing. He likes to eat so much that he is bigger than Beau now and I love every inch of him. He has the best facial expressions. My favorite is his laughing cry. He might be in the middle of a cry but when you say, "Hey little guy." he stops and smiles before his lower lip quivers again. 


Although he is not my child, I would like to say that of course, none of this would have been possible without him. He is my best friend and confidant in this crazy life and he helps me through the rough patches. He is a "real boy" now that he is a practicing physician. It is funny to have our roles reversed. Him being the big bread winner and all. I love to see him grow in our marriage as well as me. What a lovely ride....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Training with Team Harris

Every morning we walk the "biggins" to school. We look like a circus act with the stroller and the dog but  the kids love it. All five of them, and Lola makes six. Then when the older ones are off we turn on the tunes and get jogging. The babies remind me of the movie Speed with Sandra Bullock in that they cry only when I slow down so we always keep going. If anyone gets too fussy I just move the party inside to the treadmill where the babies like to be put into their baby seats and watch me run. They have been my best cheerleaders.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Boo To Do's before Halloween

The season is hopping here in our new town. We have been encouraged by the entire neighborhood to get into the Halloween spirit or die. It seems Gulf Breeze Proper is THE place to be in the season. We were told that we will have about 800 candies  passed out that night and that everyone is in costume. I will keep you posted.
     For starters, we had some friends over for pumpkin carving. I know, crazy with the triplets but my thought is that we are already crazy, what's another four or five kids.

Meghan holds my mummy-kin
I have enjoyed decorating the house with subtle decorations as well. 

Stay tuned for our Halloween costumes. The triplets first Halloween will be memorable.