I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kid's Question and Answer Session

My nephew Tony asked his son the following questions. I thought it would be a good thing to ask my children the same questions and document their answers. By the way, my nephews son wants to grow up and be a hydrologist (someone who studies water) What a little genius.


The yummiest food to eat: tomatoes and cheese with vinegar
My favorite show or movie: Splash
My favorite thing to read: Sister Magic
The best thing about school is: Recess
The worst thing about school is: Math class
The coolest person on earth is: Mom or dad
I'm really good at: Gymnastics and Cheerleading
My favorite color is: Lime green
The best place in the world to be is: The Funplex
If I could do one thing all day long, it would be: gymnastics
When I grow up I want to be: A professional dancer
I really, really do not like to eat: Spinach
My best friend is/are: Meghan and Johanna

Jesus is: Mary's son
When I was little I used to: have a teddy bear and took it everywhere.

The yummiest food to eat: strawberries
My favorite show/movie: Transformers
My favorite thing to read: Any book about soldiers
The best thing about school is: Math
The worst thing about school is : getting in trouble
The coolest person on earth is: Jesus 
I'm really good at: Math
My favorite color is: blue
The best place in the world to be is: Florida
If I could do something all day long: playing games
When I grow up I want to be: a soldier
I really, really do not like to eat: beans
My best friend is: Kate
Jesus is: God
When I was little I used to: not be lazy.


  1. Wow, such different answers from each!! This was a fun idea, I might copy you. So, where are the babies' answers?

  2. ummm, i'm totally going to copy this idea. i've been working on individual posts for each kid. i will have to add this to it! your kids' responses are totally different...too cute! miss you.
