It seems that this Halloween lasted a bit longer than just one day in the Harris home. The grands brought the triplets about seven costumes they found at a garage sale and honestly we have been in disguise for the better part of three weeks. As was to be expected, Beau gravitated to the bizarre and scary, Carlos to anything super and Gigi was the princess of whatever she wore. I let them go to the gym, grocery store, dentist and just about anywhere in their costumes because I have learned to pick my battles and realize that dirty stares from strangers in November is a lot quieter and fleeting than three screaming and snot filled triplets for days after Halloween. Let the holiday continue.
"Look mom. I'm the Cookie Monster" |
Spider, Super, Strong Man |
The Princess Witch |
No costume just the usual ham. |
Darth Cutiekins |
While in New Orleans we made it out to the Ghosts in the Oaks at City Park. We took our costumes but left them in the house and had to buy three new ones for the occasion. The kids didn't seem to mind. What I loved was seeing my younger children ride the carousel that their older siblings used to ride at this age. Eva, who was no more than two at the time we left New Orleans, remembered Storyville and could tell me what was there to find. Carlos was Captain America, Beau was Doc McStuffins, and Gigi was Cinderella. The night was magical with amusement rides followed by trick or treating through the oaks.
Jerry made it out with us. It was perfect |
Finally on Halloween night, my family gave me the greatest gift by allowing us to dress in a theme together. We were the Wizard of Oz gang including the flying monkeys. It was bittersweet because I felt this might be the last year we will do this because I now have a teenager and he may be too old for this kind of stuff. I love him so for not arguing with me when I asked to do this. If I don't tell him enough here it goes: I love you Golden.
There was never a question that Beau would be the scary witch since she likes to be so scary (imagine her wiggling her fingers at you saying this in a high ghostly voice)
"Now it's my turn to be up." |
As much as Eva didn't want to be Dorathy, she will thank me years from now when she sees these pictures and sees how stunning she looked. There were moments when she would turn and look at me like in this shot and I could see the woman she is turning into staring back at me. It would give me tingles I had to shake off of my monkey wings.
"This is so amazing, mommy." |
Let's not forget this was Nico's first Halloween and he was a trooper being that he had a fever. Note: This is not our first kid so we never even thought of staying home with him and not trick or treating and for the record he seemed to enjoy it all the same.
As close to everyone sitting still as we were going to get. |
I love that Mike still lets me dress him up. I suppose this is the "worse" of "for better or worse" I hear in those wedding vows.
He's just so fluffy! |
Here is a shot of my two youngest girls getting along. I always feel the need to document these moments.
And did I mention how Eva wore my genie outfit from when I was a teenager to a Halloween party? I am still floored over this one. Why does she insist on growing up? I miss my baby..and my costume. I should mention the costume was made for me for a ballet performance and my maiden name is sewn in the lining. I guess it is now a vintage costume that has stood the test of time.
The grands also brought Halloween pjs which will also be around for longer than Halloween. I suppose so will the memories.
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