I am sure that I am the only mother who has had a day where she wakes up tired just thinking about what is in store for the next 24 hours. For the rest of you, let me tell you that today was one of those days. No marathons or triathlons I have ever run leave me as exhausted and mentally drained as a day at church with these kiddos. Today was one of those days. I here that inner skeptic asking me, "Why do you come here? You don't even get to hear the people's lessons." I was hoping to have a thirty minute reprieve during their nap time but not a single one of them decided to cooperate and I started thinking that they were truly out to punish me somehow.
When I have these thoughts I try to do something uplifting or count my blessings, so to speak. It helps me see through this mortal body's weaknesses and see the truly blessed life I lead. So today I decided to review our summer so far and found that in doing so I not only felt horrible for ever complaining about my life but also missing my kiddos who were tucked away upstairs; counting the minutes until I get to wake up at the crack of dawn to their singing, screaming, and countless demanding tasks that they will ask me to do for them. I am grateful for this life.
I try to fill summertime with a mix of organized activities that involve learning with a healthy dose of exercise to shake the stink off. The older kiddos went to Marine Science Camp and Tennis Camp. Eva just finished a three week Ballet Intensive Camp. The triplets and I have kept to our routine which is pretty much wake up at 5:30ish, eat breakfast and go to the gym where they play in the daycare. They are the life of the party and when I bring Nico in all the kids yell, "Nico!" It reminds me of Cheers whenever Norm would walk into the bar. After the gym I would be in for a scream fest if we didn't stop at Publix grocery to get free cookies at the bakery. Carlos has been known to repeatedly scream at the top of his lungs "mercado" which means grocery store in Spanish the entire car ride home if we don't stop there. The older kids join me at the gym when they aren't at camp and earn either video time or play dates by exercising. We finish off by lunch and then a dip in the pool or an adventure to ice cream, "moodies" (smoothies), "pot-cicles" on the back lanai.
We took a day trip to Navarre beach which has a free butterfly garden next to a free water park next to a free kids playground on the bay. Did I mention it is all free?
Eva is so good with the kids. It melts my heart |
Did I mention their is a free duck pond with …. |
like a thousand turtles in it. |
The crew to the park. Mary joined us today |
You can always find my kids. They are the ones without real suits. |
But they have shoes on the playground because you don't want germs |
A swing with a view |
This July, the Blue Angels flew once again at Pensacola Beach. There was a record crowd of 100,000 people there. We decided to just watch from the comfort of our backyard. They were grounded last year and it felt so un-American that I guess the government reconsidered it.
Mike's friend Jeremy came over. I can't say enough about this man except to say he is truly one of the good ones. He retired from the military earlier this year and we are truly humbled by the service he has given this country. The kids are attracted to him like a shiny new coin. The poor guy can usually be found having to hold, wrestle or toss up one or more of them at a time. We are just happy he keeps coming back. I also love that they call him , "Jimmy." Beau started it and there is no correcting this.
Nico falls asleep on him a lot. |
This is how he has to watch movies at our house |
I am always impressed when I look back and see how fast my kids are growing. Golden seems to be in a growth spurt towering over me and just shy of his dad. He shares shoes with Mike and all I can think about is how little my image of him is when I think about him. He always seems to be five years old in my mind. I asked him, "Are you hungry?" and he looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm always hungry."
Beau is a ham and loves to take pictures but likes to make faces so it is with great difficulty that I get her in moments like this.
Gigi is my mini Eva. She is constantly asking questions. She gives me a play by play of the days activities. She must know everything that is going on and she likes to sing. Her latest song; "You are cute but I am cuter." Her other classics are, "Carlos did a poopie. It is very stinky."
Eva turned to me yesterday while we were driving and said, "Mom, these are my favorite moments. When we are driving around and you tell me stories." I realized it really is that simple to make memories. You don't need a fancy location or expensive props. These are the moments they remember. The stuff in between all of you plans to keep them entertained.
Nico….need I say more.(See picture below)
Carlos would be an incredible only child. He just loves to play cars and cuddle with his mommy. Unfortunaterly, he is not and his sisters can drive him to madness when they take pleasure in stealing anything he is playing with.
Did I mention Nico? He is the best baby except at night when he wants to wake up and nurse every three hours. We can't get mad at him because whenever we pick him up he gives us the sweetest gummy grin that melts us from our senses.And in the morning he just wakes up smiling at us both which acts like an amnestic making us forget that we should hate his adorable little guts.Mike is the worst because I actually tried to put him down and let him cry and Mike scolded me saying, "You're going to regret it because he is are last. Why do you have to speed this moment up?" Just looking at this picture makes me forget why I want to put him in his own room. He's that good.
Each of my children has had a quilt made for them except Nico so I found this yummy firefly quilt from LWPHSEWS.
Front with fireflies |
Back is b/w crosses |
Golden still loves Skylanders and will babysit for more video time each day. He even wrote a letter to the company thanking them. This is the first letter Golden has ever written.
Golden is a good big brother. Always showing the kids how to play games on the iPad. |
Swoon! |
Carlos likes to be classy when he picks his nose. |
We made it to The Art of the Brick. Amazing art made out of legos. Can Golden make a living doing this?
Mostly Summer days have been filled with hikes through the trails, fishing off the dock,paddle boarding and swimming at our house. How can I complain?
Golden and Mike take kids in style on our hike. |
Three three year olds and two fishing poles don't make good company sometimes |
The first paddle boat ride for the trips |
And what would summer be without pool time? I have taught all of my kids to swim. The triplets were my next project and I am glad to say we are 2/3 done with it. Although Gigi learned first, Carlos is the better( and faster) swimmer. Gigi has this frog kick that I can't break. She seems to love it and stays afloat so I pick my battles. Beau would be swimming too if she would put down even half of the pool toys she insists on holding in the water but I am more patient then she is stubborn. It hasn't stopped her from diving off the deep end and swimming the length of the pool in her vest though. All kids are learning to dive now and underwater swimming is coming along.
"Mami I don't need a "chaceta" (jacket) to swim. I strong" |
That face says it all. |
Even Nico has pruned toes and hands from the insane amount of pool time we have. |
Summer days are like life itself. If you blink it will be gone and all that you are left with are the memories so you better make them count by living in the moment. And always make time for pot-sicles.
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings
See what God has done