I'd like to start with the latest stats on my growing triplets:
Gigi 41 lb 90th percentile in weight 43in 97th percentile height
Carlos 38 lb 75th percentile "" 42in 90th ""
Beau 36 lb 50th "" 39in 25th ""
I think what these statistics show is that it is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog that matters because Beau is, hands down, the enforcer in this group. Just look at my Super Girl on her birthday.
Sure she has help from her sister, the ultra organized, tightly wound, bundle of energy, Super Duper Gigi but if there's a tussle my money is always on my Beau. Equal parts scary tiger, Rapunzel princess, Princess Mermaid,sweet kitty ,ninja and "Just Beau", as she likes to clarify. Beau likes to blend into the background a lot. Not because she is shy but because if you don't notice her she will have a much higher chance of scouring the kitchen for candy, reaching around couches for her siblings toys, sneaking into Eva's room to color her entire body with markers, flood the kitchen with water, change into several costumes she prefers over the boring clothes I put her in, or simply to fine tune her plans for world domination. She is the perfect blend of sugar and spice. She's never met a brush that she likes well enough to have a proper run at a hair style but she can't seem to get enough of her daddy which, of all the triplets, she seems to curl up with him the most.
Conversations with Beau:
Mom: Beau let's brush your hair.It's crazy hair
Beau: It's not crazy hair, it's rock star hair.
Eva is taking kids paddle boarding and Carlos wants to come back to land. Eva says, "You don't want to go back guys, mean old mommy is going to put you to bed. Stay here instead."
Beau (understanding her only option to stay on board is to declare her mother is mean) : I don't like mommy, she is so mean. She is a bad mommy.
Eva (clarifying) "No Beau, you can love mommy and still stay on the board
Beau (in her sweetest voice wrapping her arms around herself) "Oh, I love mommy! She is so sweet. She gives me kisses. My heart hurts with love for her."
A fair-weather friend indeed, but a survivor.
Her birthday wish was for a dolphin cake and who am I to argue with that face?
Our Gigi has had this party planned since she was this old (I am holding up my last three fingers while holding down my first two, just like she had to do.) She was the one who demanded a pink Minnie cake and wanted to be a Princess Super Girl. If Beau is planning on world domination, Gigi is staging it. She has the organizing skills of Martha Stewart. She wakes up each morning bouncing in her bed, smiling and spouting off the days agenda as she sees fit for it to progress. "Today I am sooooo hungry. We'll get waffle-quillas(there word for a waffle with mantequilla, or butter), then potty, the dressed, then niñas (the gym daycare where she is the leader), then mercado (grocery) etc...for the next twelve points of the day, always ending with, "Right, mommy?" I can't wait until she can read so I can just throw her my calendar and say, "Let's have it boss, what's on the agenda today." If she sees your muscle even twitch she jumps up and says, "Where are we going? What are you doing? Can I come?" Sometimes I am sure I can feel electricity coursing out of her. I love that she squeals at an ear deafening high pitch when she is surprised, excited, or happy about something no matter how insignificant it seems. I won't lie, I constantly search for things that will cause her to do that each day. Mike looked at her one day and said, " I wish I could be happy about anything that much again." But I think he forgot to notice that he was smiling from ear to ear as he watched her. She makes us feel like that each and every day through her eyes full of wonderment over the mundane.
Gigi was the first potty trained triplet. This was a very proud moment for her but later she felt a bit left out when I would bribe her siblings with small toys when they went. This started her loud declarations in public when she would see something she wanted to have.
Gigi: "Mommy, I did a poopee grande. I want to get a toy. It was so big."
Beau: " I want that toy too"
Carlos: "Then you have to go poo poo potty.A big poop"
Gigi: "But mom I did a big poopee. Can I get a poopee toy?"
Mom: (Smiling at all the people who are overhearing this poop filled conversation by some overly fixated poopers.

Carlos Romeo, was right at home being a super hero because he dresses as one most days of the week. Stealing his sisters gloves though was a new twist. Carlos literally left me breathless while in the car one day I reached back to get my purse and he leaned forward putting his little hand under my chin and bringing my face up to meet his. "Mom, you know your my girl, right?" Swoon. Sigh. Repeat. Carlos is my cuddle bug. My triplet baby. He has to wear his superhero costume during the day because he is constantly fighting off two very domineering sisters from stealing his stuff or his mommy. My favorite time of day (besides bed time) is in the afternoon when he wakes up a bit earlier than his sisters. This is when Carlos shines as a child. He is happy, quiet, sweet, content to play alone or cuddle with me without talking or needing anything. He would have been a perfect only child but his cheekyness would not have come through without a couple of bossy sisters to deal with. Like when said organizing sister is listing off all thirty items she needs to bring to the grocery store:
Gigi: I need to bring my unicorn, my dolly, my minnie, my purse...
Carlos (leaning in and talking out the side of his mouth in a high pitched taunting voice) ..."And my pee-pee." Now he breaks out laughing as do all of us.
Gigi: (Instantly screaming with rage) No Carlos, no pee pee!
Conversations with Carlos:
Mom (seeing Carlos get up and walk to the garage): "Where are you going Carlos?"
Carlos: (In a matter of fact voice)"I'm going to shoot-a my guns."
Mom: "But Carlos, you don't have any guns."
Carlos (briefly stopping to analyze the problem and shrugging): "I'm going to shoot-a daddy's guns then."
Carlos: "Mom, my cheeks hurt"
Mom: "Is it because your cute?"
Carlos: (smiles) "yeah"
Because I can never pass up a photo of my baby. Nico as of this post is 18 months, 28lb (95%), 20in(85%)
I love seeing my Golden caring for my Nico. Insert sigh here.
Fun triplet words I hope they never correct:
Bandans- Bandaids
Flippity Flops- flip flops
Sun Scream- Sunscreen
Waffle-quillas- waffles with butter
Eggs- (This is Beau)-legs
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Gigi my hoarder is ready to go to "Niñas"(the gym baby care center) |
6-6:30- Wake up. Beau usually goes into the other's rooms and wakes everyone up at 5:30 and I have to put her in her place
6:30-7:30 Everybody potty, Get into day's clothes, get their breakfast and leche.
7:30 leave to gym
9:00 Finish gym and run usual errands which are mercado, Sam's club or car wash.
10-11:30 Snack time, potty break, play time
11:30-1:00 Quiet time in room Possibly nap. (Mom, takes care of Nico , dishes, laundry, lunch preparation etc)
1-5 Pool time, every single extracurricular activity drive time, make dinner time, Crazy nervous breakdown time for kids sometimes
6 bathtime
7:30 bedtime (Where I scream at them on the monitor to shut up and go to bed for about 1 1/2 hours.)
8 I fall asleep
My name is MOM- MOM-MOM!
but you can call me mom for short.