I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Monday, December 27, 2010

17 weeks and counting

Well, it has been a fun 4months so far. Now that I started my 5th month, my body is a becoming a science experiment with things changing and moving quicker than my psyche can get used to them. If there is one thing that is different about having triplets, it's the incredible number of people who will look at you and say, "Gosh, you're huge since I saw you last." The first twenty times, I must admit, hurt a bit. Now, I expect it any time I step foot outside my house. I see that people post their cravings on their blogs. At a 4000 calorie a day diet, all I crave, besides a prilosec, is naughty things like salad and fruit. The nutritionist told me that if I had room, I could "cheat" with a few of these low calorie treats. I must admit, I have a cheat day each week where all I eat is 1500 calories and to hell with the recommendations, I eat fish, fruit and vegetables. It is nirvana.
     The best part of the 5th month, coinciding with the Christmas holiday, was finding out what we are having.  Tah-tah-tah:


Everyone is happy. Eva gets a gaggle of minions, Golden gets a baby brother to pass down his knowledge of Star Wars and Bakugan to, and Mike and I are happy it wasn't three girls. How many nails is that to paint? Now all we have to do is come up with names.....stay tuned.


  1. oh my, oh my, oh my! two girls and a boy! i am so excited!!!!!

    my thoughts:

    just send me the boy, and we'll call it good!

    good thing mike knows how to shop for good lookin shoes! those girls will appreciate that!

    and good thing drama runs in the blood. you'll need the experience with 3 girls!

    names, names, names....lets get ON those names! i'm thinking stockings, quilts, and just plain old fun thinking of names. it's gotta be the best part of being pregnant!

    so glad to hear you're doing well! miss you. love you.

    tell mike, anth got brig an automatic airsoft gun for xmas....and now wants one of his own. did mike get any "MIK-THONY" kinda toys?

  2. Sylvia,
    I loved seeing your comment on my blog this morning. I had no idea you were having triplets. I am thrilled for you. Three more little Harris babies can only be a good thing!

    Your Christmas card was beautiful....we loved receiving it.
    Glad to see you are all doing well. Even more glad I now can find you on the www.

    Happy New Year.
    Please keep in touch.
    Sara B

  3. Oh Sylvia!!!!!
    I miss you. I miss your wit and your beautiful family! I was so excited to get your card, I could not stop looking at how beautiful your kids. Once I stopped focusing on them I realized you and Mike were in the picture too :) you guys look great.

    So I finally had a second to check your blog and I am excited I cant stand it. Then I went on to read the previous post and started crying about your loss, I can't even imagine how hard that was.

    Please keep posting, I want to hear and see it ALL!

    For the record... I never tortured Golden. He loved every minute at my house. But it was fun torturing you and Mike with hidden tatoos on your sweet huge baby!
