I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Golden's Award Winning Month

Our sweet son has many good qualities, but losing gracefully is not one of them.....neither is winning as I soon found out at the multi school science olympiad. Golden managed to win a fifth place ribbon, and a first place ribbon for individual catagories. He also won a second place all around medal. Mind you, this was a contest between nine different schools in the area. Pretty darn great!
But Golden noted that there were actual trophies on the table and was completely upset he did not get one. When I explained to him that these trophies were only for the schools and not for the students...He looked at me as if I was obviously missing the big picture. Nonetheless, I chose to photograph my son's big moment. This snapshot missed the pouting and tears that come along with the win. By the way, his school won first place for best sportsmanship. And when his teacher was handed the trophy (not a stinking ribbon) Golden let out a huge sigh and put his head in his hands. It was priceless. 

Later that month, Golden participated in the pinewood derby. I have never prayed harder for my son to make it to the top three. Not because I needed him to win, but I needed him to get a dang trophy.  His car was fast. The Rogue Shadow. To our great happiness, Golden came in third out of 20 boys. When Golden got his trophy he came over and yes, he was completely upset. So I took his picture as any good mom would do. 
Not even his ribbon for " smoothest shaped car" helped remove that smirk. Mike insists this is a Harris trait and that Golden will grow out of it. But I can't help but chuckle. In the car, on the way home, Golden asked me, "Mom, what is so great about and why do people make such a big deal about being third?"  And why didn't I win the award for best sportsmanship?"

I love this boy. And if it's any consolation. He's always number one in my book. I might even get him a trophy to prove it. 

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