I think it is actually a good thing that I have taken some time off from posting in order to have just a brief few moments to think back on the whirlwind that was the Easter holidays. Now, I can look back and only remember the pleasantries and not all of the hard work that goes into making holidays such as this one magical. What I truly loved the most about this Easter holiday was the decorating. I got the bug hard this year and really wanted the house to have it's own holiday feel and not just leftover Mardi Gras decor with a few eggs scattered about the beads. This sort of design confused my children who wondered why the Easter bunny did not leave doubloons or Zulu coconuts. No, this year I wanted the house to burst with Peter Friggin Cottontail's intestines if need be.
Those who know me already know that I started junking around the good wills and thrift stores for those special treasures that would speak to me. In those trips I was pleased to find a purple carnival glass bunny candy dish, circa 1940, that I placed in my guest room to fill my visitors with special pre-Easter treats. I also found a metal bunny stand with my MIL.( pictured above with a birds nest on it) She bought it for me and that made it even more special to me now. If there was a spot in the house, I filled it with gerber daisies and tulips which just made me smile all the time and in every table or jar in the house you could find pastel wrapped chocolate.
Crafting was also big this Easter. My favorite project was to draw a rabbit on a canvas and make him a cotton tail that just popped out at you. Eva really liked this one too. As gifts for the teachers and neighbors we made little bunny ball jars filled with candy. (shown above)Eva had her friend Megan over and they created masterpieces on canvas for their rooms and later decorated eggs with sharpies. Because we are in the tech savvy age, the girls blogged while they decorated. I don't think I will ever get used to this and FaceTime but I see that I will be dragged into the future as always.
Golden and Eva helped me have a good Easter egg hunt for the triplets during the day and I had heard that they were just too old for that kind of stuff themselves but I gave it a go and had a tween nighttime Easter egg hunt. The big kids got a flashlight and the eggs were filled with different amounts of currency. I am glad to say, the Easter spirit is still alive and well in my older babies too.
I made Easter dinner for just our family which was also something we hadn't done in awhile. It was nice to just be our little, well maybe not so little anymore, family together. The dinner never lasts as long as the time it takes you to cook it but I remember just looking around at all of them thinking how thankful I was. Thankful for their health and happiness. Thankful for our home and blessings. But most of all, grateful for the Savior's love and sacrifice that makes it possible for me to be thankful for moments like this for eternity.
I guess that's it. If I had written this the day after Easter you may have heard how tired I was and how many dishes had to be cleaned, chocolate to be scraped off stuff and crying babies there were but it's funny how all that just melts away into nothingness when you have had the luxury of time to iron all of that out.
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