My kids (mostly Eva) are a proof that as a parent you do set the example. She has asked if she could join me running for so long that I finally realized that my kids are not babies anymore and could actually keep up, if not surpass my pace. They also have a love of prizes and understand that in order to run well, someone better be dangling a good carrot. So I finally signed them up for their first 5K. It was the first annual Rock and Fly Race at the NAS; home of the Blue Angels.
The race almost didn't happen. There was thunder and a torrential rain up to an hour before the race. (Blue skies after) and poor Mike developed a kidney stone attack the night before and sadly we went from the whole family with two strollers running to just me and the big kids.
First race face |
I really enjoyed running through the base and was moved by the countless tombstones we ran past. "This is the price of your freedom," I told the kids. "Don't ever forget that." A family had driven overnight from Michigan just to race here where their grandfather was buried. And even though a lot of people were dressed in 80's garb and mohawks, the second the pledge of allegiance began these goofy runners stopped and put their hands to their hearts, or if they were military, stood straight at attention. This also made me well up a bit.
He's got spirit, how bout' you? |
Where did my little girl go? |
"Come on Golden. Let's go fast to the finish." |
I really enjoyed spending the time with them and watching them interact with the other racers and cheering spectators. You could tell that they felt accomplished and I hope that they felt happy to be doing this with their mommy. I hope their father and I don't become some embarrassment for them that they don't want to be caught dead around because these moments are too few and far between in this life and quite frankly, I love hanging out with them.
Post race pizza and bananas |
Proud mama |
Eva was a bit surprised that Golden could run fast (faster than her)but I don't think that will affect her much. We are already planning the next race and she wants to do a 1/2 marathon next.
These guys were at the mile markers as comic relief. Kids loved them |
Eva didn't rest after the race, she managed to get her art work chosen to be exhibited at the art show too. Just another day in the life with this gift of a child. Golden opted out of the art show for some more high minded activities like a new video game. I'm glad to see things don't change too much after one race.