Is it me, or is someone playing around with my calendar and making things fly by so fast that I can't seem to formulate a thought about how I am feeling about it all. I am full up with things to do on my "To Do" list and yet, I feel the need to stop and document today because all I felt prompted to do after General Conference today was cherish these moments of insanity. We had the missionaries over for lunch and I guess they just weren't used to the Harris level of activity like I am. I don't think anyone is quite used to this level of activity except maybe the military during active duty on the front lines but as for me, it was pleasant. Seeing my children talk and interact with one another is mostly enjoyable to me.
I asked Mike a few nights ago if he realized that we were presently experiencing the greatest moments in our lives and was that a blessing or a curse to know it? Every morning I wake up and count off another day before all this chaos, this messy amusement, this family unity is a thing of the past. Soon all these little miracles will be off living their lives somewhere else and we will be off to the next stage of our lives. Will we feel that we embraced these moments to the fullest because we knew they were the best or will we regret not doing more with our time with them like the other half of the world who doesn't recognize the "good old days" when they are in them. "Of course, we are better off," he said with the inflection that really said, "You're an idiot." But really, do I make the most of these days knowing that they are but a blink in my life and that these moments are the only ones I have to make a difference in molding these children gifted to me into something Heavenly Father would be proud of or am I falling short despite knowing how important now is?
In all of my worrying, I heard a story about a missionary that was struggling with his companion who was a bit of a slacker. The missionary kept dragging him along each day and one day while riding their bikes he sees that his companion has pulled off the road to rest. The missionary took that moment to pray to Heavenly Father and asked him why did he have to have such a lazy companion. What he heard was, "Compared to me, you both look pretty much the same." I laughed at that one. Isn't it true. We are all full of our own imperfections that if compared to Him we would surely be the junior companion every time but that is where the Atonement comes in to help us dig ourselves out of the holes we dig for ourselves and get back on track. I will stop worrying about all the things I didn't get done and teach these kids each day and focus on trying to be more compassionate as a parent hoping that, if nothing else, my children remember I always stopped and loved them for who they were. Imperfectly Perfect!
Here we are at our latest race, the Rock and Fly in Pensacola. You might wonder why we took a picture with the cast of the Village People so I will say that these are the aid station volunteers. They dressed up like 80's rock enthusiasts. I get a kick out of running with my family and seeing them overcome their exhaustion and pain to complete these races. All they seem to remember afterwards is the fun highlights. Hopefully, that's how we will remember all of our time together. A highlight reel of six crazy kids with two very tired parents under one roof.
Easter was a hit. I suppose it's because the triplets thought it was a weekend kind of celebration. We spent most of it in the pool and Gigi has mastered swimming to the bottom to retrieve everything her siblings throw at her. She has a dive technique I love. She puts her hands together in front of her and pushes them out in an arc that her body is supposed to follow. A mini dive pose. I could eat her up.
Our attempt at a family portrait continues and I am more than thrilled to have 5 out of 6 faces looking in the same direction. Maybe next time Gigi.
Eva is such a delight to have for a daughter. She is the triplets best friend or arch nemesis depending on the minute but it is truly fun to watch the crazy antics she comes up with for them to do. We call her M.O.M. (Master of Mayhem)
To watch my oldest baby care for my youngest baby chokes me up almost every time. Golden is so patient and loving with his siblings but especially with Nico. He says it's because Nico is so quiet and good but I truly believe these two had a bromance way before they ever stepped foot in this world.
I mean seriously, can this kid look cuter dressed up like he's coming to sell you a vacuum cleaner?
Next month, these guys turn four. I can't believe it. And yes, I already have my list of things to get and do for that. Gigi reminds me every day in the car what she is expecting.
I started up the kind of Easter egg hunt I grew up with. Across the street from the house I grew up in ( We call it the 125th street house)was Tom Sasso pool. I have a lot of good memories from that pool and it seemed that every holiday consisted of some game where you had to hunt for stuff in the pool. Don't let the bobbing eggs fool you. This gets ugly and that is why I have waited until now to introduce it. But boy is it fun until the ambulance arrives and really, is there anything more Florida than this?
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Golden is a natural swimmer. He comes from a long line of swimmers so it's no surprise but with a little training he could be lightning. Eva and him battled it out underwater for those eggs and I am glad to say no children were harmed in the making of this blog. But my wallet got a few dents in it from the cash they collected.
This was last weekend when we went to the art festival in town. Carlos was Batman, Gigi was a princess and Beau was a tiger. When she sat down the girl asked Beau her name. Beau didn't answer. I said, "Hey, tell her your name. Is it Beau?" Beau doesn't look away from the girl she just opens her eyes and with a face of Merryl Streep deep in character says, "My name is Tiger." She then closes her eyes as if to say, "Now, carry on."
General conference resonated with talks on Eternal marriage, Eternal families, holding strong to your beliefs. With that said, I would like to testify that I know this is my family for all time and eternity. I know that I knew them before we came here and I have loved them before I could remember anything else. Nothing in this world even comes close to having an impact on who I am and where I am going. We choose to follow Heavenly Father's plan in order to never spend a minute longer apart than we have to. Nothing we buy, nothing we earn, no job we get, no business we start, no club we join, no friends we follow will ever come close to giving us the happiness that this knowledge brings us. And for that I am grateful today.
In my archives I found a note that Elder Harris gave me shortly after my baptism. I suppose I was struggling at the moment but I find the words prophetic because I find it hard to be sad when I look at all the sweet angels that Heavenly Father has sent me, including my husband, and am eternally grateful and humbled.
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