I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Anniversary Sweety

I can't believe it's been eleven years since Mike and I were sealed in the Temple. Mike asked me to marry him in 1999 and four months later we chose to be married in the farthest place we could think of stateside, a place we had never been together and a temple neither one of us had ever discussed with one another. It was perfect. Mike came with me to pick out my dress. (We chose the second dress I tried on) I ordered my flowers and cake during my lunch hour from places I knew nothing about and we called a local restaurant in La Jolla, George's on the Cove, I ate at five years earlier and asked them to whip up a reception lunch for thirty. We didn't care about the wedding too much. It was a means to an end. We just wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. 

 We went far enough away that only our closest friends and family were willing to make the trip and in the end, it was magical. I couldn't of imagined a more perfect day than February 19, 2000. I married my best friend and my life has been better for him in it. 
I still love him like it's 1999. To celebrate this anniversary, I just finished making a slideshow of our wedding pics. (I won't bore you with it) It's a big deal, especially since I haven't even made our photo album yet. But as I said, the wedding was merely the beginning of this great journey Mike and I have been on. And isn't life all about what you encounter along the journey.


  1. ahhh...love this sweet post! happy happy anniversary!

    how is it that we've been married longer than you???


  2. What a beautiful entry. Thanks for allowing me to share part of that journey with the two of you. Eternity will never be long enough for your lives together.
