Eva is well on her way to ruling the world. She has established herself in Gulf Breeze Elementary as a terrific kid. Really! They actually had a pep rally and gave her an award for being a terrific kid. I have a bumper sticker and certificate to prove it. We sometimes take her awesomeness for granted around this house because it is a daily occurrence. She has many sides to her character; she is nurturing to all around her, she is funny, and smart and beautiful. She practically raises herself.
Funny Eva-isms:
"Mom, do you want me to take a picture with my mind so you don't forget this?"
Referring to the American Revolution. "Mom, if we won the war against the British why don't they speak American instead of British?"
"I got my eye on you!"
G man is growing into quite a talented and funny guy. He is also trying to pull one over on his dear old mom every once in a while. He loves school but would rather be home lounging as proved by our dinner conversation last night.
Mom: So, how was running club kids.
Golden: It was good but I would like to join a fight club or maybe a "Stay home from school and watch TV club."
He has renamed us all with our Hebrew names. I am mama-stein (STEEN), dada-stein, Eva-stein, etc. He also calls Eva Ay-vee, or A for short. He has also made up songs for the babies like the one I happened to overhear him singing last night to Gisele.
Gigi-stein, Gigi-stein
Shaking her buns, shaking her buns
Looking so cute
And than came an evil witch
Gonna find the witch
Punch her in the face, punch her in the face, punch her in the face
Just for fun.
He is not a fan of homework and has tried, unsuccessfully to hide it from me. Heavenly Father is definitely on my side on this one because when Golden "misplaced" a homework assignment it actually flew over the parking lot after school into the street and smacked into a neighbors windshield who recognized Golden's name. You should have seen his face when she dropped off the paper at our house. Classic.
Lastly, Golden is turning into quite the ladies man. "Lance Romance" is what his teacher calls him.
Golden: "Mom. When can I date Olivia?"
Mom: "I told you Golden. When you are sixteen.
Golden (looking distraught and talking under his breath): I don't want to date her. I just want to smooch on her.
The oldest of my trio, is the physically tiniest. I call her my Sweet Petite. If I had three of Gigi, I could raise three more babies. She is easy with a smile, barely cries and if she does she is easily consoled. She cuddles and sings. And was the first to belly laugh. She has a thing for her daddy's hair. It drives her wild. I just can't get enough of my sweet girl. Her dexterity is pretty darn good and is the only one of the kids who can keep and grasp her toys....and siblings regularly.
Beau is the best sleeper. She is a godsend in the evening hours. As for the day, she would be a splendid only child. Her problem is she does not like to share with her siblings. She will stare at them with the look we call "the cold dead eyes of a shark" look. I'm a bit intimidated by it. She is our super triplet in that she is the best eater of solid foods, the first to roll over, the first to sleep more than six hours at night. We are so very proud of our girl and would gladly hold her all day and night if the others would allow. Just look at those long eyelashes. Could you put her down?
My baby! He is truly a ladies man and a sweet yummy guy....except at night where he still loves to nurse every two and a half hours. In between his feeds he gets terrible gas and so we are awake with him about every hour and a half feeding or rocking our precious bundle. Thus the picture with the milk face. It is his thing. He likes to eat so much that he is bigger than Beau now and I love every inch of him. He has the best facial expressions. My favorite is his laughing cry. He might be in the middle of a cry but when you say, "Hey little guy." he stops and smiles before his lower lip quivers again.
Although he is not my child, I would like to say that of course, none of this would have been possible without him. He is my best friend and confidant in this crazy life and he helps me through the rough patches. He is a "real boy" now that he is a practicing physician. It is funny to have our roles reversed. Him being the big bread winner and all. I love to see him grow in our marriage as well as me. What a lovely ride....