Carlos sucks in his stomach and puts his hands in his pants before |
Yes, we needed a bouncy. |
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Carlos got some static from his new car |
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T-shirts read I'm 2 Me 2 Me 2 Too |
HT % WT %
Carlos 34.9 (63) 29(62)
Beau 33.2 (20) 26 (24)
Gisele 36.7 (98) 26.4 (71)
The babies, or toddlers I suppose had a low key party with only immediate family allowed. They didn't seem at all impressed with their birthday cakes or with the t shirts their big sister made for them. In fact, they are not at all impressed with any of their milestones so far. They are too busy with each other and life to pay any attention to such insignificant things as a birthdays. Although, Beau did find great satisfaction with blowing out her candle and blew out everyone else's candle because they were simply too afraid. I, on the other hand, am amazed at the changes in these kids. They have really blossomed these last few months. Life, although hectic, has a rhythm to it and the kids seem to enjoy and look forward to the routine.
Gigi wakes up from her naps and announces to me what we are doing next with such pride. "Papas" for lunch or "wawa a Go-go y Vava" her slang for let's get in the car and pick up Golden and Eva. She is a bit of a trouble maker in that she just can't help herself when it comes to stealing her siblings favorite toys for the mere pleasure of seeing them squeal and chase her. She shows no remorse when I stop her and return the toy. She doesn't cry about it just walks away to find something else to do. When she is not destroying happiness, she is a voracious reader. Well, I read but she brings me books by the pound. If I make the mistake of turning away to speak to someone, she grabs my face and pulls it back to her and points at the book. As far as favorite movie, she loves herself some Nemo. "Pes Nemo," she calls him. As for grooming, I have not seen anyone hate her hair brushed more than my girl, Gigi. The girl with the longest hair hates pretties so lives with what I like to call "Einstein hair" She is so beautiful that she finds a way to make it look good. Gigi is a ham. She can be a silent movie actress. She makes weird faces and admires her work in the mirror. She is famous for her side ways glances and feigned looks of surprise.
All the kids are great eaters which leaves me amazed the my Beau is still so stinking tiny. She is our little doll. So dang cute! But don't let her size fool you, she is an avid climber and scrapper. She always gets what she wants. But with age has come great empathy and nurturing on her part. She is always the first to come over to a crying sibling and comforts them with a hug and back rub saying, "Oh no baby. Oh no." She cares for her dolls by putting them "night night" and brushes their hair or mine. I like it when she pretend feeds them and I hear her saying "cha cha cha" which is her fake chewing sound. She spontaneously comes up to me and gives me hugs without pretense and loves to get tickled and squeezed. Such a difference from when she was my worst biter. Beau prefers the charms of Sully from Monsters Inc. but calls him Mikey no matter how many times we correct her. And she too likes to make expressions but mostly keeps it to a follow the leader game where we go from happy to sad to surprised faces.
My baby boy does not disappoint. He is a true mama's boy. He needs me like air sometimes and even though I find myself with piled up work to do, I can't help but cuddle up to my little guy and indulge his needs because this to shall pass and I'm going to miss it. His favorite time of day is after family prayer when I put his sisters to sleep he runs back into my bedroom squealing with happiness. This is our time. This is when I let him play with trains by himself or let him climb under the covers and let him just cuddle up with daddy and me. He is my best eater. Putting food in his hand double fisted sometimes. He loves cars or "wawas" a lot. He is quick to smile and laugh but Mike and I agree, he has the most painful cry because it is a howl and he usually wails, "Mama" at the top of his lungs. It is all for show because as soon as we pick him up he stops and smiles.
All three of these guys couldn't be better if I hand picked them. They are my greatest treasures along with the rest of my tribe of kiddos. I'm exited to see what they accomplish in the next year.
Happy Birthday to the 3 darlings!!!! Two is my favorite age, it's bound to be a year of sweetness. Can you get Beau to say "Wazowski"? Those t-shirts are such a darling idea!!! Too funny they didn't care about the cakes. I wonder if Ben will. I'm not one of those parents who refrain from sugar, so he's well acquainted with cake. My guess is he'll be excited. I like the low key plans, and keeping it about the kids. While I saw a very funny Phineas and Ferb episode where the mom explains that a birthday party for toddlers is really for the moms, celebrating their survival of those crazy early years, I still have to say I think the best way to do it how you did. Thanks for sharing the pictures, although there is a huge lacking in messy face cake pictures.... just sayin'...:)