Love my boys together |
one of Gigi's many faces |
I still can't see him this size. He will always be my baby boy |
Eva with Beau....A time machine of how Beau will look |
Beau finds a dig site wherever she goes |
Carlos is always up for some action |
I love to see G and E in the back trying to tackle each other |
Plans being laid |
There is some serious love here |
Blue Steel gaze |
A perfect way to end the day |
No words needed |
Caught being twinsies |
I have had the worst Sunday to date since the trips were born. We started with Gigi rocking in her crib (bang, bang, bang) at 5:30. I found her soaked and had to run the laundry at that time because we need those sheets for nap time. All three triplets were in a bad mood from the beginning. Golden woke Beau up from her pre-church nap leaving me to get dressed and prepare their snacks with a whiny side kick. At Sacrament, Beau began what would end up being a 45 minute full volume tantrum of tears that I had the pleasure of watching in a 3 by 3 foot room in the church. Gigi pooped her pants and then (the irony) I had to give a talk on "The Blessings of the Sacrament" I could cry if I didn't laugh. When we got home I made lunch for today and lunches for the big kids for Monday, the trips took a nap but Beau decided to crawl out of her crib and pull the drawer and the snake tank down on herself. Luckily, the bed blocked it from landing on her. All the babies woke up upset, they pulled the dinner I made down onto the floor in the kitchen. As I bathed them all in the shower, Eva opened the shower door to ask me to help her find some canvases. I could barely hear her over the shrieking but all I could do was look at Eva and yell, "Really, does this look like the right time.I am trying to take a shower. Shut the door." As I sat down to try and put a bite of food in my mouth (skipped the lunch and dinner portions) Golden screams for me to bring him soap to his shower. I can see that he is also missing a towel and ask him if he has shampoo and rinse. My eleven year old responds by asking me, "What is rinse." I will save the hygiene lesson for another day. Finally, I am making three bottles of milk and Eva returns to ask me if she can paint a canvas. It took all I had not to shake her and ask if she didn't see what was happening around her today. Instead I asked her to find something else to do for today.
Mike just told me to leave the babies with him because I seem to bring out the worst in them. So I find myself going through my pictures trying to make myself relax and remembered I hadn't posted the last beach day we spent with the Grands here in Pensacola Beach.
My in laws, as I have said before, are amazing. They are hands on, soft spoken, hard working, kind, smart, funny and thoughtful. They will never be on a reality tv show because they have worked hard all their life in order not to be a burden on anyone, and are way to level headed to be picked for that kind of show anyway. Not poor enough to build a house for, not rich enough to be crazy neurotic with their own fragrance . No, they are Rockwellian and so, Hollywood will pass them by but not me. I will scoop them up because they are my kind of box office gold. I miss them. Especially on days like today when the sound of my FIL laughing at my expense or at the psychotic babies tirades makes me belly laugh. I miss my MIL who likes what I hate-clean up and laundry. I even have found myself enjoying crafting with her.
Back to my talk today. I think I was reminded of the In laws because I had to talk on the blessings of the sacrament. If only for a millisecond during sacrament I am allowed time to reflect on the Savior's unconditional love for me. And he is grateful for that millisecond. It means more than if I had nothing else going on. I am humbled by how He was willing to die for me so that I can be saved. I have no right to complain about such a day when I put the the day in an eternal perspective. It seems so absolutely pointless and useless. Instead I will give thanks for all that I have been blessed with and what better place to start then with these fine folks and my obnoxious yet lovable children who I would sorely miss if Heavenly Father didn't bless me with them.
Well, I was glad you were at church. I loved your lesson, and was happy my day off from nursery was one where you were teaching. I'm sorry about the crazy day. I'm pretty sure I bring out the worst in my kids. But I also bring out the best. I think that's just family life. We know every strength and weakness, and see it all. Every day I think it becomes more and more obvious to me that families need two parents. Or, as you described, 4. We need our spouses, and we need the example and the forgiveness of our Heavenly parents.
ReplyDeleteI love that you described your inlaws as horrible candidates for reality TV. That's awesome. I hope someday I can be described like that. Someday.