I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Eva Turned Twelve....a while ago but Eva Turned Twelve!

I think you can see my theme is catch up on the year before it ends. Well, I had a lot on my plate since most of my kids seem to have a birthday within five or six months of each other. But I can't let the year go by without highlighting Eva. She is so funny and sweet when she's not being bossy and messy but that is the perfect mix that makes her the best Eva I know. 

So here we go with the Q and A:
What's up? The sky
What's your favorite color: Blue
What's your favorite food: Buffalo chicken
What's your favorite activity: Ballet
Who's your best friend: Megan 
How is your life so far? That's a deep question. Why are you writing that. 
What are you looking forward to this year? Next summer.
Who's your favorite sibling (I won't tell)? I don't know. That is so wrong.
Shorts or skirts? Shorts
Books or boys? Not answering
(She is vetoing most of my questions so she may be a mystery for this year) 
Do you miss any part of being a little kid? Kindergarten nap time
Are you really busy these days? yeah
What most annoys you? When people talk while I'm telling a story.
What have you learned from being in young women so far? Primary was overrated.
What do you value most in life? Enjoying the present.
What is your relationship with Heavenly Father right now? Do you know him? Yes. 
Why do you know he exists? Prayers, scriptures, the Holy Ghost
What about your testimony? How's that going these days? It's getting better each day. 
Did you want anything special for your birthday? Is this for my last year's birthday because I was answering for my this year me.

Who's cuter Nico or Carlos? Nico
What if Carlos reads this? It's still the same
Do you know you are loved? Yes
Why? Because you guys tell me you love me every day. I just know.
So is that how you know God loves you too? Yes. 
So simple last question? Who's funnier, dad or me? (Very uncomfortable) I don't know..(very politically correct)

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