I Dream in Cuban

I Dream in Cuban

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Easter 2017

     I find that next to Christmas, Easter is the next most magical time of the year with the children. I think it has to do more with my ability to see the true nature of the holidays as a time to celebrate our great brother that allowed all of this life to come to fruition. I am eternally grateful for the Savior and his atoning sacrifice that made it possible for me to have an eternal family. This Easter was particularly special in having the cousins (The Harrinello crew we call the conjoined gang)join us. 

   In the words of the band Fun  in their song "Some Nights", "Man, you wouldn't believe the most amazing things that can come from some terrible nights." I find that in the holiday seasons I am most assured that I would live my life again, no different by one bit because of the person it has made me today and those that surround me now. If that was the cost to have them with me, it was a small price to pay  and nothing close to the sacrifice that Christ made to assure me that I will be with him and these amazing people forever. He is risen!!

     The kids had two different Easter egg hunts, daytime with Lego to Ninja eggs and nighttime with glow in the dark eggs. And they had awoken to their Easter baskets and Sunday outfits. Prepping for this day was close to preparing a military sweep of a small country but I think these guys were pretty worth it. 

We got Glam-ma Harris in on the festivities as well. 

Eggs are so fancy these days.

The morning Easter egg hunt, I guess, became clothing optional for some little guys. 

We also had new floats for the day. 

I should note that we had a T ball game the day before and the triplets had their own cheer squad. 
Sheila made, as usual, an amazing table set up for the meal of prime rib, sweet and mashed potatoes and asparagus with an assortment of desserts. 

Carlos and William discussing the fine art of playing transformers while in donuts

There was a lot of chalk for Easter

Susan was available (or forced) to take pictures of the kids. It really is wonderful to see her excel at something she loves and if anyone needs an awesome photographer, look her up, she travels. Peace Love Sue Photography. Sorry for the following overload of photos but I'm pretty happy with my niece's talent.

Here's the talent. She also does pretty awesome in front of the camera


Could she have captured a cuter Beau
 After all is said and done with Easter holidays, I hope my children can look back on these days and not remember so much what they did but who surrounded them and that they were loved unconditionally and were happyto be part of this family. I am sure they will have their disagreements but if I instill anything into them it is that these are the people who will be with you, supporting you, caring for you and loving you until we meet again and most importantly I hope they know their Savior and his love for them is greater than anything they could ever imagine.

Happy Easter from the Harrinellos to you!

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